Monday 29 October 2012


Hi Friends! For those of you who are wondering what Arbonne is and why I'm doing it, I'm just going to give you a quick run-down. Arbonne is a health and welness company that uses pure, safe and beneficial products.

These products range from skin and hair care to make up to vitamins, shakes and 30-day get fit plans! Arbonne is from Switzerland and all the ingredients in every single one of the p...
roducts is botanical, vegan-certified, not tested on animals, contain no animal by-products and no harsh toxins and chemicals that are seen in all name-brand companies. These products really work!

Arbonne is based on network marketing which means that you are your own boss! You control your income, hours and you have a great time doing it!

I chose Arbonne because I don't want that typical 9-5 desk job, I want to make a difference and have financial freedom and I want to work on MY own time.

If you would like to try some product, host a party, or even if you're interested in becoming an Arbonne Independant Consultant like me please feel free to contact me!

You can either make money or you can make excuses, so why not try something new?


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