Tuesday 30 October 2012


In honour of my favorite month "Movember" with every product sold, 10% of all the proceeds will be donated to Movember Canada. So why not buy some great products and support and amazing cause at the same time?
Check out http://arbonne.ca/ to get some fabulous products and check out my personal MoSpace at http://ca.movember.com/mospace/2287086

Monday 29 October 2012


Hi Friends! For those of you who are wondering what Arbonne is and why I'm doing it, I'm just going to give you a quick run-down. Arbonne is a health and welness company that uses pure, safe and beneficial products.

These products range from skin and hair care to make up to vitamins, shakes and 30-day get fit plans! Arbonne is from Switzerland and all the ingredients in every single one of the p...
roducts is botanical, vegan-certified, not tested on animals, contain no animal by-products and no harsh toxins and chemicals that are seen in all name-brand companies. These products really work!

Arbonne is based on network marketing which means that you are your own boss! You control your income, hours and you have a great time doing it!

I chose Arbonne because I don't want that typical 9-5 desk job, I want to make a difference and have financial freedom and I want to work on MY own time.

If you would like to try some product, host a party, or even if you're interested in becoming an Arbonne Independant Consultant like me please feel free to contact me!

You can either make money or you can make excuses, so why not try something new?


Saturday 27 October 2012

Debbie Neal-My New Role Model!

This woman is amazing! She defied everyone who told her she couldn't and now she's in the millionaire club! I am going to be like this woman!

"Turn your Complaints into Commitments" AMEN


Did you Know?


Gratitude gets you everywhere! Always think of what and who you're grateful for and you will always be happy! Remember there are people who are happy with less than you have.

Gratitude is my main secret to success, after every sale I say "Thank you!"

Do you know where your toxins are coming from?

Why Arbonne does not use Mineral Oil

How Arbonne Beats the Flu

Big Dreams.

Why I chose Arbonne

A month ago, a great friend of mine, Robert, who is now my "up-line" told me about a company he had recently started working with. He said that this company was different than any other company he had previously heard of. They were vegan-certified, did not test on animals, contained no animal by-products and no harsh toxins or chemicals, hypoallergenic and are safe to use if you are pregnant, breast-feeding or if you have or had cancer.

This company originiated in Switzerland, where, unlike North America, health and wellness products go through rigorous testing to prove that they are Safe and the laws about chemicals are much, much stricter (total bonus for Arbonne clients). These products have proven results. They are proven to make your skin look and feel younger. They are proven to make you want to tell your friends about these products and they are proven to make you feel more confident from the inside out.

This company is Arbonne. Arbonne allows you to be your own boss, to control when and how much you work and to finally see how hard work can directly pay off.

I chose to move my life forward with Arbonne because I want financial freedom. I want the white Mercedes (SUV, of course). I want to have time to myself and my friends, family and horses. I want to be able to wake up, walk down to the barn and know that I have the time and finances to afford this lifestyle. I want to learn an I want to teach. I know that I don't want to stay at work all day and make excuses instead of making money, you can't make both. So with Arbonne, I choose to make money. I want to travel the world on MY time, not with the 2 weeks I worked my a** off for that my company can conveniently let me use. I want to wake and say "You know what, I think I'll go to Paris today." Why not? What's stopping me? The answer to that it nothing. Nothing is stopping me. Arbonne is taking me to the places and levels I want to go. So why not? Stop making excuses and start making money!



Live beautifully through botanically based beauty, health and wellness products offered by knowledgeable Independent Consultants. We are committed to product quality, reliability and enriching lives through rewarding business opportunities.
Arbonne is dedicated to bringing beauty, health and prosperity into your life and the lives of others.

At Arbonne, beauty begins with premium botanical ingredients, innovative scientific discovery, and an unwavering commitment to pure, safe and beneficial products. Arbonne creates personal care and wellness products that preserve and enhance the skin, body and mind for an integrative approach to beauty. Working closely with scientists around the world and our Arbonne Institute of Research and Development (AIRD®) facility in Switzerland, we continually explore and develop scientifically advanced, botanically based proprietary formulas that meet our exacting standards for quality, safety and sustainability